On the winding road leading to the village of Chamarel simply park your vehicle on one of the lay-bys and admire the panorama that unfolds at your feet, in nuances of blue and green.
- Understand the light direction, if you don’t have that strong directional light, you won’t be able to see the shadows.
- Use a viewfinder to set up your composition or cut a rectangle out of a piece of cardboard (like a shoebox lid) and use it to visually crop your subject.
- Always begin drawings along the edges first, this will ‘anchor’ your drawing in place and keep you running out of space later on.
- Check line angles with your pencil, this is a great way to get correct perspectives lines, edges of building or anything really.
- Close one eye to flatten out the image, this helps because it eliminates depth perception and makes the subject you’re drawing appear flat.